paloma faith

paloma faith

paloma faith

paloma faith

paloma faith

Here we are after what seems a lifetime, at our first gig since lockdown, and of all places it’s the Symphony Hall. Not our favourite venue by far, as anyone who reads our reviews will know, but even with this it’s great to be back, and looking forward to the one and only Paloma Faith – if anyone can raise an atmosphere in this too grand venue, she should, and she doesn’t disappoint!

Always very stylish, she walks on in the dark, in a very elaborate tweedy looking suit. Starting the concert quite slowly with ‘Last Night’ and ‘Gold’, I was starting to get a little concerned that this audience are getting too comfortable in their seats, which happens a lot at this venue, but Paloma had other ideas. Raising the tempo, she started to get the reaction she needed and before long she had most of the audience up on their feet, swaying and dancing to ‘Cry Baby’ and ‘Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful’, only occasionally dropping the tempo, before upping it again.

A nice little touch was as Paloma said, a sing song around the old Joanna with stripped down versions of hits like ‘Stone Cold Sober’, ‘Upside Down’, ‘30 Minute Love Affair’, ‘New York’ and my fave ‘Picking up the Pieces’. With Paloma jumping up and down like a nutter, she had gotten them up and was not going to let them off the hook, following with ‘Monster’ and a massive sing along version of ‘I’m Every Women’.

Just when you thought it was time for a rest she kicks into ‘Changing’, ’Better Than This’ and ’Lullaby’, only slowing it down at the end with a request for phone lights to be turned on and sway, which the dutiful crowd obliged for the finale ‘Only Love Can Hurt Like This’. The effect was brilliant and with loud applause the night was over, sending the Birmingham crowd happy into the night until the next time Ms Faith hits the town, hoping it won’t be as long next time.a

Great Night!

Photos by Geoff Griffe
Review by Jenny Griffe