Well, here is something a little different for us and probably Gettothefront and why not, cover bands good and not so good have a place in the live music market. Either they cover bands/artists who are no longer with us or don’t tour, or to be honest, are too expensive for a lot of people. So, with that said you still require a certain quality or accuracy and by god we got it. Yourythmics are really, really good. Stacy Green looking very much like Annie Lennox, without much make up and a very, very similar voice, put that together with a lot of accurate costume changes and classic songs played well, and you have the mixture for a fantastic night.
The show in two halves tonight, the first there were a few people up moving and dancing but after a little drink the second halves pace quickened up and a lot more ladies and a few gents were up and rightly so, they were having a great night, as we were. The songs, well they spoke for themselves. I won’t go through the entire setlist, but all the songs you would want to hear were there and more, and the audience certainly got their monies worth. And a nice touch that after in the foyer, they came to meet the attendees and have photos taken and sign stuff, to a big round of applause.
Since the recent awards, when after it was heavily rumoured that Annie and Dave were going to get back together to tour again, if this does come off it can only be a good thing for Yourythmics. Not only would it create a lot of interest, but to be honest the price of a ticket would be too expensive for a lot of people so a great cover band like this would be an obvious choice to fill the gap. Will we be covering many more cover artists and bands? Hell yes, and hopefully they will be as good as tonight.
Photos by Geoff Griffe
Review by Jenny Griffe